
Placing Carrots for Halloween

You know your friend has your number when this is the task you are given when you arrive early for the party. 
She knew I'd sit and figure and plan and cut carrots when necessary.  And I love her for it.  She also knew I'd in no way want to miss being a part of Owen's first ever school class party.  Because of a few reasons.  I love parties.  I love littles.  I love color coordination.  I love theme outfits.  Add to all of that, my very own nephew named Easy Rider was in on the scene too.  So my striped socks and carrot placing abilities made their appearance. 
When I started using cucumber slices as eyes while sitting with all the kids at the table, Easy Rider had the look on his face of yes this is my aunt and yes this is how she always is; I have to love he is already mildly embarrassed by me.  Get used to it buddy.  I'm not going anywhere.  Just be glad I didn't kiss your cheeks in front of your friends. 
Let's just have a moment for how very different boys and girls play.  Let's also have a moment for how very lucky I am to be living this life of mine.  It doesn't get much better than going to a preschool Halloween party on a Saturday afternoon.   


Danae said...

I knew you would be perfect for the job of carrot pumpkin maker. These pictures are so cute! I am thinking senior slideshow material. Thanks again for coming!

Amy said...

Senior slideshow! Yes!