

It's late Wednesday night, nearing early Thursday morning, and so far this week...

My parents sat at my dining room table and we had a Sunday evening meal together.  I said to Billy when they left, "Do you know there was a time in my life where I only dreamed I'd be to where I could do that."  He looked at me and replied, "Ummmm, do what?"  I looked back, "Throw together a real meal without going to the store and be able to say why don't you just stay for supper and have my people around my table and well, you know...that."  A smile and a nod is what I got back.  We had chili and warm from the oven cornbread and deviled eggs and a Sunday meal happened.  The stuff of dreams I tell you.  Billy made the chile so really I just made cornbread and the eggs and I laughed when my dad said, "The last of the Easter eggs?"  

The last literacy event as the president of this region's reading council happened on Monday evening.  A "Get in the Game" book swap for all ages with one of our district's elementary school's choir singing as entertainment and a silent auction and the college hockey team signing autographs and college athletes volunteering at the game stations and kids excited about booksKids excited about reading.  Success.  While I was looking around the room at all of the amazing teacher volunteers and co-chairs and co-planners, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of something.  Not sure if it was relief, but it was something.  It's been a full year.  Now I just attend our NDRA state conference and then the International Reading Conference to accept the Merit and Honor Council awards and enjoy learning more along with the people who were by my side helping all year.  Again, a sigh of something.  

After the event, I stopped by Brittany's to visit.  It had been too long and my cup of Britt was filled with pre-bedtime visits with her and nightgown wearing girls.  I need that filling from time to time because it's not often you have a friend who thinks like you and makes decisions like you. 

Last night I had a hair appointment and then we went for a glass of wine and the cheese plate at 10 N. Main.  The cheese plate, yes it was my meal.  Why would there be a need to order other food when that is on the menu?  To say it was a heart happy evening is the understatement of the year.  These next couple weeks feel like a combination between crazy push of last minute busy with celebratory moments of bliss.  Not a shabby combo, not at all. 

Today, I smell like garlic.  Like so much.  From that cheese plate I straight up devoured last night.  I feel bad for the people who were around my treadmill this morning.  When I turned my head, even I could smell it permeating off as I ran and don't even get me started about having a job which requires you to talk to people all day long.  The mints from the office were my best friend and I explained to my sixth graders why I was chomping on mints and not sharing because I believe in explaining to kids.  They nodded their heads right along with me because well, you know, they could tell.  But then it was green peppers for the kids' snack today here too and so what happened was, the kids all smelled like green peppers and it made me feel better about smelling like garlic.  

After school, I went to Danae's to catch up with her and her littles.  She was making homemade chocolate chip cookies and pulling them from the oven as I sat with a hot cup of coffee and my will power.  I love her just like a sister.  Just like one.  Because we can talk about anything and everything while she bakes cookies for her husband's lunch and I sit with my legs crossed with a polka dot mug in my hands.    

After Danae's, I went to the farm to pick up the handmade quilt my mom made to donate for the state reading conference silent auction.  Because you know, I texted her last week with a, "Do you think you could make a quilt for me by...next Thursday."  And that mom of mine did.  She texted me today with a, "Do you want me to send the quilt with Summer to save you some miles tonight?"  I texted her back with a, "No.  I'll come get it."  Because really I just wanted to look at it with her and give her a squeeze hug and see her face.  To let her know I'm eternally grateful for her, not just that she makes me quilts in less than a week but for who she is all the way around.  Grateful.  

After the farm, I went to Sil and Brother's to smush the crew.  Except by the time I made it there, Punky was the only one still left awake.  She told me quite the stories with her footie jammers on and her blanket slung over her shoulder.  Sil and I had a few quiet moments to visit and that's a rarity so maybe it was all meant to be. 

When I got home awhile ago, I packed up some cheese, fruit, almonds, puffed rice cereal, cinnamon, and peanut butter because peanut butter is a must.  I then texted Karen a picture of it all, along with the pretty plates and silverware, "I have a feeling the food at this thing will be not our thing so I packed us up some goodies."  Then I told her to make sure she packs enough cute clothes and jewelry so we can swap and share because that's just what we do.

Now I'm sitting here eating air popped popcorn with raisins because it helps with my trail mix obsession and I'm going over the chapter for tomorrow morning's book study at the administration building.  This is a quote from the first page of chapter seven of Small Steps, Big Changes by Confer & Ramirez.  Chapter seven is mine to lead by the way, a coincidence? 
  • "However, ineffective patterns of instruction can easily be the norm.  We continue those patterns until, usually by chance, another teacher or a coach or a principal-or even a student-draws our attention to them.  At that moment, we have received a gift.  We are awakened to a choice.  We can choose to confront our own patterns-or not.  Once we make a choice to question our patterns, we are in the realm of possibility."  
And then it continues on to discuss how we all have patterns for everything, like the way we pour our coffee in the morning.  And then this girl said an AMEN because I get that.  I just call them traditions is all.  I read the words from "At that moment, we have received a gift" on about six times.  Beautiful words for a beautiful belief which is applicable to all arenas of life.    

It's late Wednesday night, nearing early Thursday morning, and that's been this week so far.   

Next up on the agenda before it really is morning is to pack clothes for the first of the trips.  Packing clothes and I do not get along.  Fruit and nuts, now that I can handle.    

Maybe I should tell you a story instead.  A story about what the one sixth grade boy said to me today...

I'm procrastinating.  

Or maybe I should tell you about how I forgot how delicious warm cornbread with honey is...

I'm procrastinating.  

Or maybe I should tell you about how I constantly am assessing whether I'm doing the right thing with life...

Alright closet, I'm coming for you now.  Right after I finish this popcorn and raisins and chapter seven that is.  
Here's the less than a week from start to completion quilt by Momma Debi folded up and ready to go in all its chevron prettiness.  Thank you to my mom for once again being up for anything and there for everything.     

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