
Blessed Bracelets

Feeling grateful this Monday. 

It's impossible to not feel the need to look around and soak all the things which are right in this life when so much went wrong so suddenly.  It's impossible to not want to bottle up the good.  To keep it tucked safely away on a shelf so it can never be shattered.  It's impossible to not look back a couple of weeks at a simple Saturday afternoon after a busy party morning with a best kind of friend and the three littles who call her Mom and not feel grateful for every freaking second of that time shared.    

Thankful and blessed to have had the few hours to slow down, in both my actions and my thoughts.  Relaxed enough to be still and enjoy sipping tea while visiting.

It seems Autumn will usually at some point end up on my hip.  We share a laugh over her siblings' antics or we distract ourselves with the outside view or we just take it all in.   

Wearing jewelry is not necessary.  It's a thing thing.  However, it seems my jewelry can bring about a real moment.  Whenever I wrap my arm around Autumn, her small fingers inevitably find my rings.

She toils with the stack of three while sometimes feeling the shiny polish in between.  Warms my heart.

My bracelets often become shared, handed out to keep a baby busy during dinner out or given to a toddler during the quiet parts of church or even used to unabashedly bribe a little one into my arms.  They are sparkly, shiny, and make noise.  Therefore, instant attraction.  This time, two for the big sister.

And one for the little sister.  Until the baby, who might be not such a baby anymore, realized she only had one which just wouldn't do.  So it was two for her as well. 

A simple Saturday afternoon with littles, tea, jewelry, and best friend visits.  I am grateful.    

1 comment:

Danae said...

Love this! It was a great day!
P.S. It will always be ok to call Autumn a baby:) I will!