
One Big Anomaly

Anomaly.  Irregularity.  Difference.  Variance.  Glitch.  Inconsistency.  Aberration.  Contradiction. 

However you want to slice that pie, you end up with a bite of chocolate in one forkful and a bite of vanilla in the next forkful. 

Anomaly happens to be my favorite from the list.  And there are plenty of them happening around me. 

Like snow on the ground on the first - second - third and quite possibly fourth day of May, surrounded by a vivid bed of green grass.

Like a soccer ball in my yard and I do not have children nor do I play soccer.  I love my neighborhood with its kids who play in the street.  Makes me feel all fuzzy inside.   

But there's also more than a fair shake of the whole anomaly business going on within me.  Like...

Wearing gold and silver jewelry at the same time.  Mmmmhhmmm.  I'm not afraid.    

Being a morning person and also a night owl because they are both the times when I function best.  The in-between part is what gets me at times.  I think from now on I shall refer to myself as a morning owl.   

Having a house that is organized ridiculous clean and a car that is an absolute sh** pit.  The way my car looks is me airing out my dirty laundry.  House on the other hand, neat as a pin.  To the point of obsession.

Not believing in picking music from the jukebox to be played for a crowd in an establishment, yet totally believing in voicing my opinion on every aspect of their individual lives.  Maybe even doing some bossing.  Picking their music though, I don't believe in that.  It feels like I'm stepping over the line. 

I'm an absolute fussy about grammar and sentence structure with myself and the chicken wings.  I believe in red scharpies people.  Unless I'm texting.  Then all bets are off.  I will throw in a "u" and an "r" and spell "nite" and never use a comma or an apostrophe nor even dream of using a semi-colon and it's all dandy with this fussy because for some reason, I believe texts will not carry on.  It's as if they don't exist.  

Possessing the need to be around people and with people but talking on the phone drives me batty.  Just do not enjoy it.  In person?  I'm all over that.  And you do not even want to get me started on voice-mails.  Eww.  

Living and breathing by a planner, a blue planner with a cute bird on it, but tending to run approximately ten minutes late.  I never used to be that way.  It kind of drives me nuts that I am now one of those people.  The late people.  Momma D. even texted me on Easter morning with, "Hey.  Don't be late.  It's going to be a short service."   

Pairing brown and black in the same ensemble. Granted it has to be just the right shade of yellowish-mustardish-dirty-goldish brown and not chocolate brown, but I do believe there is a way to make the duo compatible.  Sister Pister whole heartedly disagrees with me on this. I keep right on doing it.

Do you want to know another synonym for anomaly?  Abnormality.  But I just can't agree with that word to describe the above.  Rather, I choose to believe it's the vision of normality. 


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