
Top 10 for Momma D.

It's Mother's Day and I hope everyone is squeeze hugging their mommas.  I am not.  Because she and Dad-o took Sister Pister to one of her out of town rodeos.  Good thing I have come to terms with Sister Pister still having "being the baby" privileges.  Good thing.  Otherwise, I might feel a little sad that I don't get to see my mom today.  But the good news is...I'm not bitter.  Not one little bit.   

Oh, I'll get to give her a card and tell her she is fantastic and hug her and give her something to show my gratitude for all that she has done for me over the past twenty-seven years.  I will get to do all of that, just not today.  So instead, I decided to write a top ten list.  It's called The Top Ten Reasons Why Momma Debi is the Best.  Creative title?  I think so. 

10.  She makes me homemade bread that has no white sugar and no junk in it with ground up wheat from the farm.  And then she drops it off at my house at random times so that I never know when I'm going to walk into bread Christmas. 

9.  She is not afraid to shoot skunks in the yard or corner a coyote in the barn or drive a truck that really shouldn't be driven.  By being fearless about things that some would run away from, she has taught me to jump in with both feet.  

8.  We keep a running list of who owes who.  Like if I do a favor for her, then I am one point up and then when she helps me out, she gets a point.  It's a fun way to remind us we are forever indebted to each other.  Except usually I owe her waaayy more than she owes me.  

7.  She let me bossy and independent and wild when I was little.  In fact, she encouraged it.  If there is one thing I remember and cherish the most from my childhood is the fact that I was allowed to have an opinion and was encouraged to share what I thought.    

6.  Creativity is a passion we share.  She loves to sew and make and is always willing and ready to start a project. 

5.  She is not afraid to tell me when I need to settle my butt down.  She will straight up give me the "this is really not a big deal and you need to let it go."  

4.  An understanding for her different kids' personalities comes naturally for her...she has always known what makes each one of us tick and seamlessly deals with our issues according to those quirks.  And she has always been all of our biggest fan.    

3.  She has the patient of a saint, Lord knows she has needed it over the years raising three kids who all have big personalities.  Patience like you would not believe.  But...when you push her over the edge, watch out.  She will not be walked on and she will let you know when you have done stepped over her line. 

2.  Her quietness and calmness makes everyone around her relax.  It's as if a big sigh is let out when Momma Debi is in the room.  But her opinions are strong and when she doesn't believe in something, she doesn't believe in it.  End of story.      

1.  She will drop everything to help her husband, her kids, and her grandchildren.  Drop everything.  And she shows us love and gives us love and is the epitome of what love is supposed to be.      

Happy Mother's Day Momma Debi!  Thank you for all that you do for me and the rest of our family.  Without you, we would all be on a ship without sails.  Love you more than the freaking air. 

1 comment:

Tina said...

Ahhh Amy! You have the gift of words. I think Momma Debi is pretty great too!