
No Coincidence Here

There we sat, the three of us completely alone in a vast movie theater on a Tuesday night at 9:30, laughing and exchanging side glances and are you still awake...over and over again.  Taking in a movie together exactly one week ago was a gift for so many reasons.  A weeknight away from real life because work conferences for two happening to collide with a day off for the other one, creating a perfect trifecta of circumstance.  Three friends who consist of two sisters and a me, the one who has always idolized both of them and tagged along for a variety of adventures.  Including movies on Tuesday nights when I'm thirty and can no longer stay awake through anything.

A fifteen minute cat nap during the beginning of About Time did not stop me from soaking in the message.  Feeling the beauty of the slowness of the characters wrapping me in their story one fiber at a time until at the end, the tapestry was finished and it all made perfect sense.

Live every single day as if you would never want to step into a closet and time travel back for a replay.  Live every single day as if you wouldn't change one tiny moment or decision or reaction.   

Sometimes I feel consumed in a time warp, where I'm trudging through each day with the list of what will happen the next day running through my mind for the duration.  Attaching next and next and next instead of treating each day as it's own separate entity, taking it for it's own worth. 

For a brief moment after a dinner out, when Jenny and Becky looked at me with twinkles in their eyes and let's go to a movie right now, I thought of the next day.  Needing to be up early to attend a conference, needing to deliver pictures to a teenager who had been patiently waiting, needing to plan for work, needing, needing, needing.  Next day.  Next day after that.

Then I stopped.  Stopped and lived for the Tuesday night I was in.  A Tuesday night with two of my forever friends who I rarely see.  A Tuesday night with the opportunity to experience an out of the ordinary and create a memory.

Who knew the movie would be focused around just what I had been internally swarming and struggling with in my head?  I think it was not a coincidence, not one little bit a coincidence. 

And here's a picture of a glitter horse with wings behind my wine glass on a different night after being sat at the bar when no tables were available.  Again, not a coincidence.  These things happen for a reason.   

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