

New baby.  What is it about a new baby? 

Some of my good friends had a baby yesterday {well, I guess I could say two of my good friends seeings as how it isn't really a "some" situation...more of a two} and I went to see the little guy this evening.  Except the thing is, he really isn't very little.  He's more of a big little guy.  Like almost a ten pound big little guy.  

His name, Hank, is quite fitting. 

I grew up only two miles away from Hank's great grandpa and new little baby Hank happens to be named after that great grandpa.  I couldn't help but smile to myself when I heard of the name; all I could picture was the original Hank leaning with his arms hung over a corral fence with Brother looking at cattle.  The original Hank would stop by our farm quite frequently when I was young and he always, I mean always took the time to look at the cattle with my brother.  I can still picture them both in my mind.  Hank up on the first board leaned over and Brother up on the third board leaned over discussing cattle like they were fellow ranchers even though Brother was a young boy.  The thing was that back then we didn't have a lot of cattle because Dad-o grew up on a dairy farm and was d.o.n.e with cattle and wanted to farm.  But, Brother loved cattle and he was convinced that that was what he wanted to do so Dad-o bought some cattle.  Hank took the time to talk to Brother about the cattle industry and now that Brother has a successful, larger than a few cattle, ranch, I can't help but think it has been partly due to the people in the world like Hank.  The kind of "grandpa" figure that encouraged and took time with a young boy who only had a few head of cattle.  The kind that realized that some day that young boy leaned over the corral fence would realize his dreams of being a real rancher.  That kind is rare these days.  So, little baby Hank, you have quite the namesake.

Also, little baby Hank, you are very cute and squishable and that is for sure. 

Little baby Hank is going to grow up living on the same farm as his great grandpa Hank lived on and I'm sure his great grandpa Hank has been smiling down this whole day, prouder than punch of the little boy that shares his name.        

Congratulations Kevin, Candice, and big brother Brennan...Hank is lucky to be a part of your family!


Randi Schumaier said...

I agree that 'Grandpa Hank' has been smiling down at Kevin, Candice, Brennan and baby Hank all week!

Thanks for your memories on 'Grandpa Hank' and him stopping in to visit. Reading it made my heart smile!!


Anonymous said...

Ames - I just wanted to say thank you so so much. You can put words together so well, and you have no idea how much all the nice words you just said in this post mean to us. We've truly been blessed with a beautiful family & beautiful friends. Thanks again Amy

Candice, Kevin, Brennan, & Hank

Amy said...

Can't wait to see you all again and you are welcome...


Anonymous said...

Thank you so very much for the wonderful story and tribute to Grandpa Hank. I must say I choked up while reading it, but it also made my heart smile, too, just like it did Randi's. Baby Hank has been named after a very special man, and I know Grandpa Hank is very, very proud.
Tony & Faye