

People of Haiti -- my heart is with you.  It's at times like these when I realize that my little stresses in life are nothing.  I have a warm place to live, food, clean water, a job, a family, and the list goes on and on.  I'll take my little everyday issues because they tell me I'm living.

I went to visit my neice and nephew (and their parents of course) this evening to get some good family time in.  I couldn't help but giggle at their young, carefree spirits.  My neice is quite the little firecracker and my nephew is an easy rider.  Firecracker was reading me a Fancy Nancy book and using words like compromise, heirlooom, and extravagent and then would look up at me and say, "That means..."  Easy Rider was running around with a blaze orange stocking hat perched on his head, sunglasses on his face backwards, a play screwdriver in his left hand, and his CAT cell phone in his right hand, all the while telling us he was going to work.

It's during moments like those when I realize just how good life is.  Even though it can be a gong show at times, it's still sweet.  Crazy weeks and all. 

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