
Highlighter Happy

Sunday morning I woke early, wrapped a sweater around me to push off the more than chilly air from leaving my window open, walked to the kitchen, poured a cup of coffee in an orange mug, made my way to the office to find the book I bought from browsing at B&N a couple weeks ago - the one with balloons on the front, and then curled up in the corner of my couch with a fuzzy woolish brown blanket around me.  

I started to read.  

It wasn't more than two pages in and I jumped up from the corner of my couch and ran to the kitchen to find a highlighter in the junk drawer.  Yes I really ran.  And yes I have a junk drawer.  

Then I decided I should put a refresher in my coffee cup so it was piping hot again and then I decided the sun was really doing its thing on my wall.  

See?  This is what happens to me.  

After the moments of distraction, I curled back in with the chosen fuzzy woolish brown blanket, my now only warm again coffee, and a yellow highlighter to read.  

And two hours later, I was still reading.  Love Does by Bob Goff.  Perfection in black words typed on cream pages. 

Then yesterday in the late afternoon, I pulled it out again.  I can not stop with this one.  It's speaking to me yes, but it's also throwing thoughts at me and I'm catching.  After a few pages in the afternoon sun session, I came across a passage. 

I instagrammed the passage because it's what I do.  Within seconds, one of my original fourth graders had commented, "Highlighter happy."  She was in my very first class of chicken wings and she tried to set me up with her older brother in her Christmas card to me and she was fabulous.  Now she's in high school and remembered when she saw my yellow.  I jumped off the couch again cheering, "She remembers!  She remembers me saying don't get too highlighter happy when she was in fourth grade."  I wrote the original chicken wing back, "Sometimes the overuse of the highlighter is necessary."  

Her response, "I'm pretty sure I was highlighter happy in 4th grade just to drive you crazy."  With an addition of a smiley face.  

I cannot even put into words how ridiculously fulfilled yesterday made me feel; no I can't.  So I won't.  I'll let the highlighter happied up page do it for me.  

1 comment:

Sandy said...

WOW - ok, so I have to buy this book. I am a highlighter also. I highlight books that I read for pleasure and write things in them. I think it comes from being in school for the better part of my 60 years.. mostly as a student but also as a teacher. You go Amy!