
A Reminder to Myself

May I never forget how blessed I am to have my family.  A family far from perfect and a family who has been through some ups and downs and a family who feels all feelings strongly.  Sure, this sometimes comes out in yelling form but that's how we are.  Passionate people.     
May I never forget how blessed I am to be near them all.  To be able to take a couple of my vacation days to spend time with them doing the fall round up and working of the cattle. 
May I never forget how blessed I am to be around their laughing and their faces and their smushing. 

May I never forget how Punky sometimes chooses me over Nana.  And how it feels when she snuggles in next to you in her perfect baby way. 
May I never forget the beauty of seeing a moment.  A moment where time seems to stop; the sounds of the cattle bellering and the chute clanging and the voices talking all fall away to have this remain.  A beautiful baby girl on her first birthday looking to her aunt with wonder and a grandma so in love. 

May I never forget what it's like to be their aunt during this time in my life of not having children of my own.  It's like a slice of pure happiness to spend time with them, even when it involves being in an alley chasing calves around.  

May I never forget Little Man's hand on my leg and his infectious laughter floating in the air as we waited for the next calf to come through the chute. 
May I never forget what it does to me to watch these kids do their thing.  Firecracker up on the fence declaring the coming calf a heifer or a steer, Easy Rider choosing his mark based on her statement, Little Man looking up to the big kids knowing his time is coming.  They work hard already and I don't want to forget how it makes my heart squeeze with pride knowing they are strong and capable.  Everytime they have small triumphs with calves in an alley, their character is being built.   

May I never forget the way Easy Rider took the time away from his important work to put his arm around his little brother.

May I never forget these memories of being with my family. 

May I never forget how his grin paired with his mischievious ways and a slight head tip melt me. 
May I never forget how blessed I am.

1 comment:

Billy Mills said...

Absolutely very well written, with unbelievable pics! Good job Amy... Your are a ROCK star!