
You Can

"If you can organize your kitchen, you can organize your life."
Louis Parrish

If you can successfully boil eggs without having to ask your mom every single time about water boiling first or cool-cover on or off-how long should timer be set, you can... 

Make deviled eggs Easter morning. 
Deep huh? 
But here's where the secret comes into play, you can still successfully make deviled eggs on Easter morning even if you did call your mom late the night before asking the aforementioned questions.  Love a duck, if I could ever simply remember how to boil an egg!
Love the kitchen wisdom as well, I strongly believe an organized environment leads to organized mind.  
Ignore the notion my mind can't remember the routines for simple tasks such as boiling eggs.  I stand by it's organized.  How else could it handle over packing for airports and traveling and really everything? 
If you can send up one Dear Jesus and give a farm girl heave-ho and lift the suitcase into the overhead bin still, you have not packed too much. 
Wisdom from ME

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