
Squeezing Lemons Hard

I feel like winter is suck swallowing the life out of me.  Maybe more like January is.  And then the thought that February still looms in our future is too.  I swear every year I will figure out a way to not let January and February win.  I try hard.  I try hard to enjoy that every single day is spent doing basically the same thing.  Gym, work, work, home...with an extracurricular thrown in here and there.  It's dark when I leave and dark when I get home and quite frankly, it's all the same it feels.  But I give it a try. 
To embrace the feeling of cozy and stuck.  To pretend it's nice to constantly have the fire roasting my toes.  To create the illusion of loving beanies and scarves and sweaters.   
But I'm over it. 
I find I lack inspiration when I can't get my bones outside in the sun.  I need air.  Real air.  The kind which makes you stick your nose up and throw your arms out wide. 
An enormously strong indicator about just how out of inspiration I am is the fact that I have only taken about thirty-seven pictures this entire month. 
It's hard to find joy in the mundane.  Dang I wish I was immune to that statement.  So here's my rendition of I am kicking the suck swallowing winter by declaring a few mundane things down right fabulous. 
A unicorn shirt found while on a girls weekend to see Pink in concert.  That weekend breathed me back to life too, it was so so good.  But yeah, wearing a unicorn shirt.  Take that January. 

Green tea.  Hot green tea all the time.  Take that looming February. 
Couch sitting is not really my friend.  I'd much rather be moving and shaking and making up things to do but maybe the forced relax is okay for these air lacking bones.  We watched Captain Phillips early Saturday morning and I cried so freaking hard at the end when they are pulling Phillips to the Navy boat.  Tom Hanks nailed it.  My tears were streaming into pools on my shirt.  Inspiration from not only someone who is using their gift for such goodness, but from the real Captain Phillips because he is a straight up hero.  Take that suck swallowing winter. 
I'm doing my best over here.  It's not all doom and gloom and the gray color of the sky is not truly eating me alive.  It's simply trying damn hard is all.
But hey!  Did I mention I now own a unicorn shirt? 
How about having a braid in my hair.  That's a kick ass mundane right?  I'm grasping at straws here.  Find the pretty.  Find the joy. 
Pretty bird.  Pretty bird.  That line is from a movie but I can't tell you which one because movie quoting is not in my repertoire. 
A cup of green tea has been made to start this evening off and I suppose I should will myself into thinking it's fine that I can't stick my nose in the air outside and breathe in.  Well, I could.  But my nostril hairs would freeze. 

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