
Hey Hey Beautiful Fall Day

Hey beautiful fall day, you are making me want to give high fives.  And sitting here at sister's rodeo with your warm sun on my face is reminding me of who I am.  So I thank you and your blue sky for being freaking amazing.  

I used Momma Debi's iphone to put that as my FB status on Sunday morning.  I had to use her phone because mine is about as old school as they come.  I am all about rocking the free phones.  When I wrote that status, I was sitting in a lawn chair next to a rodeo arena and I was thinking about my life.  For me, being outside has a way of putting things into perspective.  Sun on my face helps me get after that serious reflecting we all have to get done sometimes.  

Perspective.  It's all about perspective.  And remembering I choose what to put in focus in my life.   

The fence or what's happening beyond the fence.  

Do I keep worrying about what's going on all around in which I  have zero control over or do I start remembering to focus on what's important to me?  Because I do have control over my own actions and beliefs.  I came to the conclusion during the sun on my face lawn chair time that I need to spend some time with myself.  Getting back to zoning in on what it is that I want in life.  It'll come.  

In case you were worried, don't be.  I didn't spend my whole day on Sunday stuck in a theoretical thinking game inside my head.  For most of the day, I simply enjoyed being around my parents and my sister.   Enjoyed having time to talk with my mom, really talk, without the distractions of the every day getting in the way.  

Dad-o does not find me nearly interesting enough.  Apparently my gibberish done wore him out.

When I was perched up on the fence waiting for Sister Pister's turn, I caught sight of her stalking the arena.  She was so focused and driven and confident and it made me want to yell and wave my arms and point, "That's my sister!"  I refrained.  Pretty sure I embarrass her enough.

Being there for Sister Pister's best barrel run to date was enough to make my heart squeeze.  The hours she spends with that horse are astronomical and they are a team.  It's starting to show.

I'm not sure I can even describe how proud I am of her.  You see, there was a time when my sister was a little girl with a giant fear of horses.  She has been riding since she was two, but there was a severe wreck when she was eleven that seriously slowed her down.  It took two amazing horses named Smokey and Bandit to save her.  And it took years of her pushing herself to swallow her fear.  Not an easy task.  But she did it.  She kept going through the tears in the backseat of the pickup and kept going through the forcing herself to stay sitting on the saddle while not feeling safe.

She beat her fear.  And I hope that she never forgets and pulls from it her whole life.  I hope she knows she is capable of getting through being scared.  I hope she knows she can do anything.    

Seeing her ride like the wind knowing she is no longer scared is one of those things that just gets me.  Because we all have fear and it is always inspiring to see one being conquered, kicked to the curb, and overcome.

It also serves as a lesson I need.  Because I think about what she would have missed if she would have let that one horse take away her love for riding and wreck her dreams forever.  I'm nerve wracked by the thought that I will miss out on something because I'm scared.  It's why I push myself through that feeling.  Because most fears need to be swallowed up. 

All this to say something simple.  I am proud of my sister.  So proud it hurts.

Have you ever been around someone and thought, "Well this is exactly who they are."  Because when I watch my sister around her horses, that is precisely what runs through my head.

She is doing her thing.  Even though sometimes, it doesn't always work out like she wants and a pole is knocked by a knee.  But then I think...well what better way to be reminded that even when something doesn't go exactly the way it should in the middle, a strong finish is still necessary.  No giving up and no quitting allowed.   

Who knew that spending my Sunday at the rodeo would be so darn good for my soul.  It's amazing what being outside in the sun and clicking my camera does for me.  It's like a real swift kick in the pants way to remind me of who I am.

I am the girl that notices the small.  This time being the stitching on jeans and the lines created by horse and human legs.   

I am the girl who finds beautiful fashion and decorating color combination inspiration in odd places.

I am the girl who gets excited to the point of total nerdy-ville when she realizes she is wearing that exact combo of colors.

I am the girl who holds a purse up next to a horse because she thinks they'll look pretty together.  I am the girl who is not afraid to look like a fool while holding a purse.  Up to a horse.  At a rodeo.        

I am the girl who finds the reflection of the blue sky and herself in the eye of an animal.

I am the girl who knows what she wants in this crazy thing called life.

I am the girl who is trying to learn that she deserves it.

1 comment:

Danae said...

Well said friend!! You do deserve it! Love this post!!! P.S. Our soup is amazing and I think we have enough veggies for awhile!