

Turns out I have Mono.  Yeah, you heard me right.  Mono.  It's been about as fun as pulling your nose hairs out one by one.  I don't like to complain {much}, but I will just say this about having Mono...it's like being the most tired and swollen glandy and weird pain and fevery and yucky all wrapped into one.  And, the best part, it lasts forever!  I'm on week two of being sick and now just today, I feel slightly human.  I put that as my fb status and lovely Sister Pister commented that I am only ever slightly human.  Nice.  And, she added a fool to the end.  I can't really pull the fool off in my talking or writing but she can.  So anyways, Mono = no fun and today, I finally feel a bit normal. 


When I finally went to the dr. for my mysterious illness, she was asking me all these questions like do you have a history of blowing your nose too much and all those really important things like that.  She then asked, "Are you on any drugs?"  To which I said, "No, I've managed to avoid the crack my whole life."  That made her look up from her chart.  Sure did.  Then she laughed and said, "Well, ok then."  She sent me off to the blood factory and I sat next to my high school math teacher and had some blood taken and whamooo...you have Mono.  Ding ding ding...100 points for me!  

I don't have much else to say right now.  Oh, wait, here's another fun dr. story.  So, my friend, Brittany {who is Mommy to the cute little girl named Stella} had a little run-in with an electrical outlet and got zapped a wee bit.  Britt is pregnant so her dr. recommended she go the ER to get the heartbeat checked.  What you need to know about Brittany is...she's a tad high-strung so the news about needing to go to the ER was quite upsetting to her.  So, there's Britt, freaking out a bit about being zapped, wanting to hear the baby's heartbeat, laying on the table, when she says to her husband in a very frantic tone, "Steve, check to see if that dr. has a wedding ring on.  He's cute."  Apparently Steve, and I really can't imagine why, was all, "Brittany, you are crazy, why do you need to know?"  And then Brittany was all, "BECAUSE!  I'm always looking for Amy."  Well, there you have it people...true friendship at its finest.  My friend Brittany, in the middle of her zapped crisis, was looking out for my future husband hunt.  You just have to love that.  And, Brittany and baby are both fine which is good. 

Because I think everything, even Mono and Zappo stories, are better with a little visual, without further ado, a series of photos I like to call...Playing on the Swing-set After Supper After Working Cows...creative title?  I think so.     

Firecracker can do the monkey bars like no other.  She's seriously muscled and just whips across there like nobody's business; she goes so fast I couldn't keep up with the camera...poof, she was done!  They are not baby monkey bars either, they're the real deal.  And, she's pretty proud of it too.  Well, that and the stamps that covered her arms and legs, she was pretty proud of those too. 

You rock Firecracker.  You rock.  Then, Buckshot and Curly left their four-wheelers because well, because we are really just more fun.  Buckshot, you are sooo talented.  I really don't know how you can handle being in the same room with yourself. 

That's right Firecracker, you show him. 

As for Curly, well, let me just tell you this, "Curly, it's a swing.  A swing.  You know.  Back and forth.  Back and forth."  

Easy Rider, who still had supper on his face, is really quite the charmer.  He really is.  He also might have the longest eye lashes ever.  

Easy Rider, could you be any cuter?  I think not.  It looks like you also like the stamps.  Good call buddy.  

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