
Stella Roo

Stella is one of my very favorite little people.  I bought a desk from her mom three years ago, before I had any clue who she was, and asked over the phone, "I don't mean to sound weird or anything, but did you do a good job of putting it together?"  Little did I know that a few short weeks after I went to Brittany and Steve's house to get the desk, Brittany and I would be co-workers.  She later said, "I wondered what the crazy lady from the phone was going to be like!"  

Brittany has very quickly become one of my best friends and her husband Steve is a fabulous guy.  I might have called him one night because I couldn't get my DVD player hooked up {insert embarrassment here}.  I just might of.  And, being the fabulous guy he is, he came over and took care of it...while Britt and I gossiped like usual.  I swore I wouldn't tell that story because I hate looking helpless, but it just shows what a keeper Steve is.  As for Brittany, we are basically the same person and she is the first person I call when I need to know if something is ugly or need an honest opinion.  And Stella, well she is full of attitude and is too cute for her own good.  

Last night, Brittany and I got together to snap some pictures of Stella {translation: we got together to chase Stella around and hope to get her to stand still for a second} in her tutu and tights.  We started at the park and quickly found that was way too much open space for an almost two year old to handle!  Run...run...run... 

We quickly decided Steve and Britt's backyard, along with candy bribery, was the way to go. 

Love a little crooked smile! 

A quick snuggle with Mom.  If you haven't noticed yet, Stella Roo has some serious blue eyes.  I told her to look fierce here and look how well she listened.  Gifted I tell you.  She's gifted. 

A true belly giggle. 

The two year old version of working it. 

All Stella really wanted to do was play in her kitchen.  Can't say I blame her.  It's a pretty good kitchen; it has more utensils than mine.  And, I'm sure she's already a better cook. 

I'll end with a snap of "I'm going to get you!" 

Stella, you are a real treat and I love you.  Brittany, I might go crazy without you to vent to.  Steve, can you put together patio furniture for me next? 

1 comment:

Brittany Miller said...

Ahhh! I love and adore these! Thanks so much Amy!