
Finding the Moon

Last night, I received a text from a friend who was traveling back from Montana, "Check out the moon!"  When I looked at that text, I also had just answered a phone call from my uncle who lives in Michigan.  So I was talking to the phone, looking at the screen, and running to my patio door all at the same time. 

I said to my uncle, "I have to find the moon.  I'm supposed to check it out."  And he replied with, "Yes, it is awesome." 

I am standing on my patio with the phone up to my ear looking all over in the sky for the moon. 

I am wearing rolled up bright blue sweatpants, a really really really old yucky t-shirt, and bright white socks.  Because I always wear socks in my house.  It's a rule with the floors.

I crane my head all around and am still trying to hold a conversation at the same time.  No luck on the patio so I run to the front door and out on to my driveway.  Crane the neck again.  Still trying to talk like a human who can actually string two thoughts together.  No luck with the moon.  

I said to my uncle who I haven't talked to in months, "I'm going to have to call you right back because now the moon is in my head and I'm going to grab my camera and jump in the car and find it.  You know how I am.  I can't get it out of my head until I do it."  

He laughed and said, "Yep.  Go for it.  Call me back."  

Remember what I was wearing.  The only logical choice for foot wear was my brown pump dress shoes.  With my rolled up bright blue sweatpants and bright white socks.  Oh yeah.  No time for finding proper foot wear.  No time.  

I drove out of my neighborhood with my head spinning all around sure I would spot it.  I mean really, how hard can it be to find the moon?  No luck.  

So I did what I always do when I need a little assistance.  1-800-Call-Momma Debi. 

Ring Ring Ring.  


"Hey!  I can't find the moon!!  Everyone is saying it's amazing and I can't find it.  Where is it?  I'm even in my car driving around wearing a ridiculous outfit with white socks and pumps and I have my camera and I can not find it!!  Where is it?!"  

"Ummmmm...Amy, I'm at book club and you can't find the moon because it's cloudy."  

"Perfect.  Thank you.  Have fun at book club and please tell them all to stop laughing now.  Thank you.  Love you.  Bye."  

The moral of this story.  The sky is different in Montana and Michigan than it is here.  So if people can see the moon there, you might not be able to see it here.  Because you know, it could be cloudy.  Or something like that.  

The other moral of this story.  I am an educated person.  But these things happen to me.  I blame it on the excitement that over takes me.  That's what I blame it on.  

Earlier this morning, I was out for a run with Karen and I looked up to see that amazing moon peeking through the clouds.  I couldn't help but laugh.   

When I got back home from sweating it out, I grabbed my camera and stood in my driveway to snap these two pictures.  And it turns out that you can indeed see the moon from my house.  Crazy huh?

And let's just have a moment for running at five o'clock in the morning.  It pretty much makes you feel like a super star.   

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