
Last Page of 2011

This is the last day of the year 2011.  

I just feel the need to state the obvious on that one.

As I look back on 2011, there is so very much I want to articulate about the highs, the lows, and the in-betweens.  It's been a year.  A year of change for me.  The kind of change that is hard to wrap my head around.  I know there were mistakes made and lessons learned and tears and fears but I also know there was laughing and loving and the kind of life living that made me think, "Who gets this life?"  

My hope for 2012 is to keep growing and morphing into the best person I can be.  Because I truly believe the instant we become stagnant in our dreams, goals, and aspirations...is the very same instant we quit doing the life living we are meant to do.   

I can not predict what I will be or where I will be or who I will be when I sit down on December 31, 2012 and look back at the year.  The crystal ball I want has not showed up at my door.  I don't know what will happen this year or if the choices I make will be the ones I should.  But what I do know with certainty is through it all, I will still be the person who loves the people in her life more than anything.   And be the person who is slightly ridiculous with those loved ones.  

And be the person who opens footie fleece pajamas from her nephew with excitement because he said, "Remember when you said you wanted to look as cute in footie jammies as I did in mine.  Now you have some!  We can wear them together."   

And be the person who promptly puts on those footie pajamas because Easy Rider put his on and then wears them while playing a game.  

And be the person who does the ugly laugh because the moment is worthy of it.  The kind of moment where nothing else matters besides the hilarity of what is going on.

And be the person who notices the ugly laugh in the loved ones around me.  Because it means they are doing their best life living too.  Knowing in my insides, nothing makes me more happy than seeing that.

Here's to closing the last page on 2011 and opening up the first page of 2012.  Here's to hoping it will be a year to stretch and make me better.  Here's to hoping the ugly laugh shows its face every day in 2012.  Because every day needs that much happy.  Every single day. 


Sandy said...

Fitting ending post to 2011, Amy. You all look so happy together. How are those footies jammmies? I've been hearing about this game- HeadBanz. Looks fun and funny. Happy Farewell to 2011 and Happy New Year to 2012 to you.

Sandy said...

Waiting for first post of 2012 ;)