
Deep Thoughts

It's early Friday morning and I'm all ready for the day.  That's the problem with having my "real" job start again...by six forty in the morning, I've already been up for well over an hour.  The good news is I've jumped right back into my iced black coffee addiction.  It's really not good news, but I haven't started drinking pop again.  I'm still holding strong on that one. 

Anyways, here's what I've been thinking about this morning. 

I miss talking on a phone that has a cord.  I miss holding a phone to my ear and twirling the cord with the other hand.

There you have it.  Friday morning epiphanies.  

Yes, the $11.00 Target readers are still in use 'round these parts.  I'm too cheap to go get a real pair.  I'm not too cheap to buy a new purse though.   


Brittany Miller said...

You look fab!

Debi said...

I have a phone with a cord, you may use anytime you'd like. I think I even have two!

Amy said...

Thanks Britt! And, Mom, I'll think I'll have to talk on the phone the next time I'm at the farm just so I can twirl the cord. :)