
Makes Sense, Total Sense

I lint roll the bathroom rugs every morning.  They are charcoal in color and my hair is of the light variety and toilet paper is of the linty variety and they both shed.  Therefore, I lint roll.  Every morning right after I put my jewelry on and right before I pick up the coffee mug to leave.  

It doesn't make any sort of sense and maybe common sense should kick in and a lighter color of rugs should be purchased...but for now I like the freaking rugs and I don't mind the lint rolling.  It doesn't make sense in the same way the one or two times I slept on the couch a couple of years ago because I didn't want to unmake the bed.  

Here's another thing that doesn't quite add up.  

I like animals.  I really do.  Horses are fabulous, I love a ride on a gravel road or a grassy ditch with good company.  Chickens, they give eggs and that's cool.  Cows, well cows are frustrating on many accounts, especially when they close their long eyelash-ed eyelids and try to walk through you with their massive bodies.  But they also have a special charm all their own.  Birds.  Birds of a feather flock together.  

Animals.  Yes I like them.  

Except, I am really not a fan of being licked by them.  

I think maybe horses and cows are my favorites because never have they ever in the history of ever tried to lick my face.  Like not once have I went to touch or pet their face or pat their butt and their reaction is to straight up lean in, jump up or down, and give my face a whole slimy lick. 

Dogs.  I like them.  I really do.  Man's best friend and I get that.  

But I do not enjoy a lick on my face.  

I think my sister's boyfriend's puppy Tootsie is rather adorable.  While out on a walk with my sister on Sunday, I went to pick up her up because it seemed like a good solid idea.  Cute puppy.  Furry puppy.  Chilly day.  Pick up right?  Have a nice little moment?   

But what's the first thing she did?  LICK.  Licked my face.  My sister, oh she laughed at the irony.   

Which made me want to drop her.  The little dog, not my sister.  It's just doesn't click with me, the whole lick.   

Tootsie is cute.  Animals are cute.  Just as long as they aren't a cat and/or they don't lick me in any fashion.  

I'll keep lint rolling the bathroom rugs because that makes all kinds of sense but on the other hand, I really expect animals to first of all understand that licking humans in any way is off limits and then to second of all...quit doing it. 

And clearly, I should keep doing the following behavior.  Was I imagining a lint roller?

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