

Mom and Brother both have birthdays in February.  I know it's wild.  Both born in the same month; it's like they're related or something.  The family celebrated their birthdays because we're crazy like that.  I have said before and will say again, I am not a cooker.  So, I said I would bring the cake.  Not because I'm a baker, but because a cake is easy to purchase.  And a cake it was.  Yum.  Coldstone.  Yum. 

It was quite the evening.  Brother was in full form and had Dad-o laughing so hard he was crying several times.  Sil, the lovely lady married to Brother, also had a fabulous one liner that is so not appropriate to share.  I just came up with that name, Sil, for the lovely lady married to Brother.  It obviously stands for Sister-in-Law, but I also love the name Sylvia and have always wished there was a Sylvia in my life.  Because wouldn't it be fun to say, "Sylvia, would you like to go shopping?"  or "Hey, Sylvia, that purse is fabulous."  Maybe I'm the only one who has ever thought this.  So, lovely lady who is married to Brother, if I start calling you Sil now, please know where it comes from. 

*Disclaimer :: always = five minutes

I gave Brother a card.  A funny card because in my mind there is no other kind of card.  Well, except I gave Mom a really sentimental card because she's my mom and I heart her.  Not that I don't heart Brother, I'm just not going to get all mushy about it.  This is really more my style. 

Maybe I should start calling Brother something more to the tune of Fart Sniffer.  It has a nice ring to it.  I'm not sure if you have realized this, but I don't exactly act serious very often...unless there's a job to get done.  Then, I'm all business.  Other than that, it's pretty much a gong show.  Case in point.  I was being the vine and Firecracker and Easy Rider were being the monkeys (not much of a stretch for those two) and Mom snapped a picture.  I'm not sure where the bunny ears came from or what their purpose was, but they sure add a nice touch.   

I feel a little fruit-ay this fine evening.  I just spent some time with my good friend who I call Kern.  Her and I are such a good pair that we are not a good pair.  I'm pretty sure her husband views me as the bad news friend.   Anyways I said to Kern, "Where does ________ live?"  She looks at me and says "In his house."  Kern, I needed an evening of fruit-ay-ness with you.  Thank you. 

Since I appear to be trying to win "The Most Random Train of Thoughts" award, why not add that I have become a bit of a fabric floozy.  Seriously, I love fabric.  I picked this up on Saturday and I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do with it yet, but I think it's going to involve a hot glue gun and that's always a good time. 

Alright, that ought to do it for now.  If you are still reading this you deserve an award for putting up with my fruit-ay-ness.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the card :) Oh and your fruit-ay-nes!

bonniewald said...

Love your blog Amy. I love your sense of family and your sense of humor. I think you missed your calling tho, you should have been a writer. Even on my worst days you can make me smile. Thanx
Your "GREAT" Aunt