
Just Thinking

Whenever cows are worked, Sister Pister is usually in charge of bringing up the next group of lovely bovines to the chute for their turn.  She  uses her horse Fox for this because he gets it.  She gets it.  He gets it and she gets it and together they can usually get the job done.  Sometimes she needs that stick she's holding like the torch at the Olympics. 

Here is Sister Pister coming back down the alley to snag some bovines. 

Here is Sister Pister singling out the next little group to go. 

Here is Sister Pister pushing those lovely bovines through the gate. 

Here is Sister Pister almost through the gate with her latest subjects. 

Here is Sister Pister with those subjects mentioned before successfully through the gate.  All that's left to do is run them up the alley to the chute.  But, then... 

Here is Sister Pister going back because for some reason one bovine subject turned back and got away.  I think she was yelling something at this point.  And waving her stick.  She was waving her stick, I'm fairly certain.   

Here is Sister Pister pursing her lips together.  Pursing your lips together helps with pesky bovine situations.

And, now here...here is my loving sister "kindly" telling me something.  If I remember correctly I actually think it went something like this, "AMY!!  Get out of the way!!"   

I don't know why it wouldn't work for me to stand in the gate Sister Pister?  It's not fun for you to have to back and forth to get the same lovely bovine that keeps getting scared of me standing in the gate?  You don't want to do that? 

After I was scolded, I did move.  It seemed like the right thing to do. 

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