

I think if I could pick an absurdly off the wall job, one that does not actually exist except in that place in your brain where you dream up those concoctions...it would be a job comprised of going to kids' birthday parties and being the memory capture-er at those parties.

Utterly off the wall and completely made up.  But still.  I think it would be a fantastic career.  Because birthday parties are my style and I love so very much about them. 

I love the details of a well planned theme birthday party. 

I love the nuttiness of a group of family members all getting together for a common goal...celebrate! 

I love the look of wonder on the kid's face when they open their presents. 

I love the slightly stressed from making everything work for everyone parents. 

I love the kid with cake all over their cheeks. 

I love the untainted love and pride from the grandparents. 

I love the candles and the singing and the fruit salads and the plastic forks. 

I just love a birthday party.

So please, feel free to invite me to your child's birthday party.  I can be the blonde lady wearing waayy to much jewelry standing in the corner with a camera attached to her face.  I can also be the one to carry all the presents to your car for you or pass out cake for you.  I'm not afraid to just jump right in.


Kathy said...


We are having Kaleb's 5th birthday on Saturday at the farm (combining it with Liz's 8th grad) I would love it if you came with all your jewelry and armed with your cameral!!!


(you make my day everyday)

Anonymous said...

My babies are so lucky to have you in their lives! I cannot thank you enough for capturing these memories for us.

Love ya!