
Done for Me

Atmosphere.  Mood.  Surroundings.  You know how sometimes wherever you are or whatever you doing, it just feels right and good.  I love that sensation.  I strive to create that feeling when it doesn't just happen naturally.  I'll make sure the tunes that are playing fit what I'm doing and I'll make sure that I have dangly earrings on and I'll make sure that I'm around people that humor me and I'll make sure.  But other times, I don't have to do a dang thing; it's done for me.  Nature style.   

On Thursday afternoon, I cleaned and organized my kitchen cupboards.  Simply because I felt the need to create some order after this crazy week's events.  That's how I roll.  To fashion control and order when there is none around.  It's my main mode of operation when the going gets stressful.  

So the kitchen cupboards were on the hit list.  On came the tunes...dangly earrings were clanging against my neck.  Although that was only because I didn't change after I went to see my big bosses.  Normally, I wouldn't be quite that jazzed up to clean cupboards.  And out my kitchen window was a fantastic show of sky.  All done up for me.  And next to my kitchen window was a lovely display of flower.  All of this crafting a lovely atmosphere and mood to the organizing bananza.     

The sky was my favorite part.  I love when it's done for me.  

It's the same kind of love I have for that row of vintage bowls from my grandma's collection.  They make me want to have a reason to put things in bowls.  The one on the far right is actually a stack of blue and white bowls that decrease in size.  Why does that make me happy inside?     

Later that night, after the cupboards were all successfully tidied up and the labels were all facing out, the sky continued its show of pure fantastic out my sliding glass door. 

This translated to the necessity of drinking a glass of wine and reading on the patio.  Quickly, it turned to drinking a glass of wine while talking on the phone to Sil which was even better.  

This past year, I believe I have successfully worked on my issue of creating control and order in a negative way.  Of course it still rears its ugly head every once in awhile...all of our vices seem to do that from time to time no matter how much we think we've got them licked.  I am well aware that some of that need will never leave me and I figure if it's just cleaning and organizing my kitchen cupboards, it's harmless.  Right?         

Let's hope so.  Because I will never be on that show called Hoarders.  Never.  That is for sure. 


Sandy said...

Thanks for sharing the beautiful ND sky. Unlike any other. Thanks for sharing your love of life. Thanks for living life with full awareness and appreciation and sharing that with all of us.

Amy said...

You are welcome Sandy. Thanks for "getting" it too. :)