
The First Afternoon

The Super Bowl game is happening in the other room right now and I'm sitting here.  In the little nook in my bedroom going through pictures from the Chicago trip I was able to be a part of last spring with a fellow teacher who is also a forever friend for our work with the reading council.  We attended the International Reading Association Spring 2012 Conference and it happened to be in Chicago, lucky for us.  That time in my life was such a whirlwind with events that stepped off the plane, came home, backed up the pictures to my computer, smiled to myself about the magical trip, and walked away.  On with busy spring life. 
And now here I sit.  Pretty near one year later.  Reliving the wonderful times we had and I'm smiling even more.  Loving those memories, almost stupefied at conversations and events which happened behind the pictures.  I don't know where to start...but start I must because this is my space to remember. 
The first afternoon.  Throwing our clothes on the bed to be swifly unpacked while in awe of how fitting to our personalities the room at the Palmer House Hilton was, cue sparkles in the counters.  And the hotel lobby's grandness just made me want to give the city a squeeze hug before I even settled.  Then on to enjoy the walk to the Italian House while taking in the downtown streets in the city, oh the city!  Once at the Italian House, we ate up bread with oil and drank down deep red wine while twinkly lights did their thing overhead.  And the best part, the part which made me know way down in my soul this Chicago and I were going to get along just fine, was having an elderly matradee who spoke with a rich Italian accent accost me after our meal.  I let him kiss me on the cheek and I let his hand wander down further than I should have because you know what?  I was in Chicago and I was going to love it up.  After all, I'd been there a whole two hours.   

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