
Who would have thought?

Who would have thought at some point in my life I would actually want to take pictures of a chicken.  When I was growing up, we had a few years there on the farm where we had chickens.  Some were layer chickens.  They layed eggs.  Gathering eggs can be a scary job when you are kid and the chickens want to peck.your.hand.off.  Plus, don't even get me started on this one rooster we used to have.  I'm pretty sure the thought of him still torments Sister Pister; when she was between the ages of two and four, she always carred a stick with her outside.  I mean always.  She used it to beat that rooster away.  Some chickens were, umm...well, we butchered some of chickens {cue redneck music here}.  It freaked me right out.  In fact, I wouldn't eat chicken at all for awhile and then I would only eat my chicken in a strip for a very, very long time after those events.  Uffda.  The whole thing is gross.  I'm talking really gross.  I'll spare you the details so you don't have to only eat chicken in a strip.    

But, I've gotten over a bit of my chicken issues.  I can actually touch raw chicken now.  That's a pretty big step.  And, apparently, I think it's fun to take pictures of them when visiting a neighbor's farm.  Who would have thought.

And, I'm sorry if I just freaked you out by talking about eating chicken and then showing you pictures of the actual animal.  But, I don't know if you knew this or not.  But, chicken is chicken.

1 comment:

Again said...

Oh,Amy! I love your blog! I was just explaining to co-workers what all goes down when we would butcher our chickens. I am not sure if they were thoroughly impressed or disgusted...I am going to go with impressed!!