
Oddities and Heart Day

On this fine Monday morning, I woke up like a Jack-in-the-box.  That's a little strange for a Monday morning.  I apparently am rested from the weekend.  Although, I'm not sure why considering there wasn't much down time.  But, rested I am.  While I was waiting for my toast to pop so I could slather it with peanut butter and honey, I started doing a banana cheer in my kitchen.  Actually a banana cheer mixed with a little Valentine's Day cheer.  I won't share the banana-Valentine's Day cheer with you; it might cause you to worry about the state of my mental health. 

Yes, this Monday morning Jack-in-the-box syndrome is a little odd. 

The same kind of odd...   
as the fact that I find Steven Tyler attractive as an American Idol judge.  I think I like him.  Maybe even crushing a bit.    

as wearing the same jewelry two days in a row last week.  Except I did have different earrings on.  But other than that, all the same.

as never having been to the chiropractor in your life and then having to go see him two days in one week.  

as wearing a blue and white checked button up shirt without red sparkly shoes.  I happen to have that issue on Friday; I really wanted to run to Target and buy red shoes.  Dear Dorothy, I was you on Friday. 

as running last Wednesday in the dark night when it was -2 degrees and ending up looking like a frosty snowman, eyelashes and all.  A freeeezing frosty snowman.   

as hitting the jackpot of music videos during my 4:45 AM date with coffee, oatmeal, a fire in the fireplace, and MTV one morning last week.  Three in a row.  All good ones.  That's a big deal.

as playing Yahtzee with my five year old niece and three year nephew and realizing they actually get the game.  Firecracker can even count by threes, fours, and fives to figure out her score.  My niece and nephews are geniuses.  :) 

as trying to figure out how much my ten month old nephew is supposed to eat for lunch.  I'm just so not up on my baby knowledge.  I told Sil if he acted hungry, it was because his aunt didn't feed him enough and that she should believe him.

as me thinking I could keep up with Sil running.  Apparently, I forgot that her legs are twice as long as mine.  Well, maybe not twice.  But she can cover waayyy more ground than me with her stride.  I sprinted {at least that's what it felt like} along side of her for two miles and then decided to just let her go ahead of me.  We had fun; the sun was shining and the wind was whipping.  I was exhausted, but we had fun. 

as my friends leaving me on Saturday night while we were out and about.  Actually, this is not really all that odd.  I used to get left at parties all the time in college.  I guess I was always too busy having fun to leave or something.  My people skills got me through on Saturday night.  Don't worry...it only took me a few minutes to find a table of new friends.

as cutting a pineapple.  Those things are just buggers to cut. 

as receiving a text from your high school bestie asking about organizing your ten year class reunion.  Ten year reunion?  We just graduated.  Didn't we? 

as it being Valentine's Day and I'm wearing a shirt that has hearts all over it and it's about as cheesy as it comes.  I'm still not sure when I became a nerdy teacher who likes to theme dress. 

Happy {HEART} Day!  May you find yourself waking up like a Jack-in-the-box and doing a banana cheer some morning this week.  And when it happens, know that you are not alone in your oddness.  Not alone at all.   


Brittany Miller said...

Look how dang skinny you are!

Amy said...

hahahaha Britt! Not even close... my arms are just above my head. :)

Anonymous said...

-A good cup of coffee
-A good book (Together the first two are even more fabulous!!)
-Snuggling with my hubby and the dogs
-Being outside, whether hiking, gardening, relaxing.


Kathy J said...

Amy, you are so thin! What a great inspiration you are to all of us who are on the weight loss trip.